Welcome to the Wisconsin Registry!

Your Career Development & Professional Growth Partner


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Search from thousands of training events listed on the Registry Statewide Training Calendar.

Registry Credentials

Registry Credentials combine higher education with job specific skills and practical knowledge that can help advance your career.

Community Bulletin Board

Get news and information as it relates to the Early Childhood and After-School Education profession. 

Registry Career Levels

The Career Levels is a model for Early Childhood Care and Afterschool Education Professionals to advance their education and training.

Trainers / TA Professionals

Interested in sharing your expertise? Discover how you can become a Registry approved Trainer or Technical Assistance Professional.

Registry News & Alerts

Application Processing Time

September 3, 2024

The date we are currently processing complete membership applications.


The number of membership applications submitted in September 2024.


The number of applications the Wisconsin Registry finalized in September 2024.