Getting Started
The Wisconsin Registry offers resources and tools for individual early care and education professionals, trainers and technical assistance professionals, and those who manage a program or organization. No matter how you plan to use the Registry, creating a FREE account is your first step!
Get Started with a Registry Account
- A Registry ID number. When you attend a Registry approved training event, your ID number is used to track your attendance.
- Access to your Registry Personal Profile. With a Personal Profile, you can start tracking and organizing your training records all in one secure place. You may also enter your employment records.
- Access to create a Registry Program Profile, if you are the director or administrator of a program or organization.
What you need to know about creating a Registry account:
A Registry account is FREE!
You can create a Registry account free of charge.
Creating an account in just a few minutes!
You can create an account in just a few easy steps. Typically, an account can be created in about 10 minutes.
You will need access to your personal, unique email address.
Your Registry account is your very own! To create an account, you will need to have access to your own personal email address.
Tip: It is highly recommended to use a personal email versus a work email address.
Your information is secure!
Help keep your Registry account secure by setting up a secure password. Your password will need to have:
- A minimum of 7 characters
- At least two of the following: uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number, or symbol
Featured Resources
How do I create an account?
Can't log in?
Not sure you have a Registry account?
Registry Membership Benefits
Though Registry membership is required for most positions (set by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families), there are still many benefits of being a current member!
Did you know that with Registry membership, you receive:
Registry Certificate of Achievement
The Registry Certificate lists important information including your Career Level, all preliminary regulated care positions qualified for, years of experience, and more. Registry certificates are accepted by Wisconsin state licensing specialists.
Registry Reports
Current members can log in and access a variety of reports including the Learning Record and Training List. These reports are useful to add to any resume or use for professional development planning, including Credit for Prior Learning opportunities.
Organized Verified Information
Current members can log in to their Registry account and view their education, employment, and training history as submitted to Wisconsin Registry. This can be used to construct a resume or fill in data gaps that might occur due to lost paperwork.
Participation in Other Programs
Membership with Wisconsin Registry allows individuals and organizations to participate in other programs such as T.E.A.C.H. and REWARD.
Robertson Ryan & Associates Insurance Discount
Current members can receive a 5% discount on commercial insurance and up to 8% off on personal insurance. For more information, please call Dave Zauner at 414-270-6824.
Lakeshore Learning Discount
Current members receive a 5% discount on all merchandise as well as free freight on all orders. To access the coupon code, log in to your Registry account.
Exchange Magazine Discount
Current members receive a 50% discount to a yearly subscription of Exchange Magazine. To access the coupon code, log in to your Registry account.

Want more information on Registry Membership?
Continue reading for more information about how to become a Registry member and how you can use your membership!