Child Care Foundational Training Information for Providers
This page will provide information and resources for child care providers regarding the upcoming changes to Child Care Foundational Training (CCFT) Courses. Find information on the updated courses, how to find them, and more!
In early 2022, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) created a workgroup to review the noncredit Child Care Foundational Trainings (CCFT) with a goal of ensuring the content was accurate, relevant, and represented a diverse, equitable, and inclusive lens. Within that review, it was determined that new updated Child Care Foundational Trainings would be offered statewide in 2024. With many of the current courses nearly 20 years old, DCF wants to ensure that:
- They are providing individuals looking to enter the child care field with the most updated information.
- All individuals entering the field are receiving consistent, high-quality trainings with real-time feedback and discussion with instructors and peers.
DCF has provided a webpage with more information on the project timeline, as well as FAQs on CCFT.
CCFT Courses
The Child Care Foundational Trainings include the following noncredit trainings:
- Introduction to the Child Care Profession
- Skills and Strategies for the Child Care Teacher
- Fundamentals of Infant and Toddler Care
- Fundamentals of Family Child Care
- Principles of Child Care Certification
DCF Resources
DCF has created a series of videos for those interested in learning more about the revised Child Care Foundational Trainings. The videos include cover a variety of topics including:
Featured Resources
CCFT Training TSO and Instructor Approval Process
See this document for more information on the approval processes for Trainers and TSOs!
CCFT Trainer Agreement Guide
See this document for more information on how to complete the CCFT Trainer Agreement
CCFT TSO Approval Guide
CCFT Trainer Agreement
CCFT TSO Agreement
Navigating the LMS Video
This short video that provides an overview of the Learning Management System. This video will showcase how to add courses and modules, managing a classroom, and several other features.
Please note – While we encourage Trainers and TSOs to watch this video and learn about the new LMS, the information provided will be easier to understand after the Train the Trainer sessions coming up this spring. We recommend circling back to this video after attending those events.
CCFT Train-the-Trainer Informational Webinars
DCF and the Wisconsin Registry will be hosting two CCFT Train-the-Trainer Information Webinars. These webinars serve as a pre-requisite to becoming an approved CCFT facilitator through a course-specific Train-the-Trainer event.
Current facilitators must attend one of two available webinar sessions to maintain their active trainer status. Tier 3 trainers interested in becoming an approved CCFT trainer may attend to learn more.
The webinars will be held on the dates and times below. Click on either date below to learn more and for a registration link!