Foundational Credentials
Foundational credentials include the Registry Afterschool & Youth Development Credential, Registry Family Child Care Credential, Registry Infant Toddler Credential, and Registry Preschool Credential. Each of these credentials provide practical knowledge and job specific skills foundational to the early care and education field.

Afterschool & Youth Development Credential
The Registry Afterschool & Youth Development Credential is designed for any professional working in an out-of-school-time program for children between the ages of five through twelve. Course work is grounded in an understanding of the growth and development of school age children and combines many professional disciplines. Students taking this credential will gain knowledge and skills necessary to effectively guide and facilitate the learning experiences of school age children.
I really enjoyed the [Afterschool and Youth Development] credential. It opened my heart to the love of older children and that I can handle it and love the bond with these children.
— Credential Recipient
Credential Course Information
The Afterschool & Youth Development Credential consists of a four-course series for a total of 12-credits:
Course One: Foundations in Afterschool and Youth Development
This 3-credit course provides an overview of the knowledge and skills individuals need to care for school-age children ages five through twelve in a group setting. It will provide a foundation for the importance of out-of-school-time programs and explore the philosophy and goals for high quality programs. The course is based on an understanding of the principles of child growth and development. It provides an overview of the rules and regulations governing group care for school-age children and the responsibilities of the providers.
*This course fulfills the 40-hour Introduction to the School-Age Care Profession Course.
Course Two: Engaging Youth in Groups
This 3-credit course explores the dynamics of working with children in group settings. It looks at the development of relationships between staff and children, between peers and how a working knowledge of children supports their engagement and informs strategies for positive behavior guidance.
Course Three: Intentionality in Programming
This 3-credit course focuses on the learning environment and curricular models within an informal learning environment. It will explore the role and methods for informal observation and recording as it is used in identifying the needs and interests of the children. It will explore lesson planning that is intentional, scaffolds learning and addresses core standards.
Course Four: Capstone - Site Programming and Operations
This 3-credit course will deepen the understanding of creating a comprehensive program and will explore the use of self and program assessment tools. It will look at the importance of developing partnerships with the family, school and community and the meaning of professionalism. It will look at risk management from the perspective of the health, safety, and well-being of the children. This course meets the educational requirements to qualify as a SA Director 50 or fewer.
Prerequisites: Courses 1 through 3 of the Afterschool & Youth Development Credential course sequence.

Credential Profile
Symbol: Kites
Kites remind us to have fun and play, symbolizing independence, hope and a connection with others while soaring to new heights.
Color: Turquoise
Turquoise symbolizes fresh energy, new growth, harmony and brings hope, discovery, and balance.
Number of Afterschool & Youth Development Credential recipients since 2014.

Family Child Care Credential
This credential is designed for family child care providers or individuals seeking to become family child care providers, looking to increase their knowledge and skills in this unique occupation. A family child care is a small business based out of a professional caregiver’s home that provides high quality care for a mixed-age group of children in a family-like setting. Through the four courses of this credential, students will examine the unique aspects of family child care with strong emphasis on the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) Quality Standards and the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards. Completion of this credential meets the educational requirements to qualify as a licensed family child care provider.
Completing the Family Child Care Credential has increased my professionalism by adding learning environments outdoors, having more complete financial records, and better marketing.
— Credential Recipient
Credential Course Information
The Family Child Care Credential consists of a four-course series for a total of 12-credits:
Course One: Introduction to Family Child Care
This introductory course is designed for family child care providers or individuals seeking to become family child care providers. In this course, providers will fulfill the requirements for both Department of Children and Families entry level courses: Fundamentals of Family Child Care and Introduction to the Child Care Profession. Through this course, providers will be introduced to important topics such as: quality standards in family child care, health and wellness, child development, curriculum planning, guiding children's behavior, program wellness, and provider health and wellness. This course must be taken first in the Family Child Care Credential series and is aligned with the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and the National Association for Family Child Care Quality Standards.
*This course also fulfills the 40-hour Introduction to the School-Age Care Profession Course.
Course Two: Family Child Care: Responsive Programming
This second course focuses on creating responsive family child care programming with an emphasis on building relationships and curriculum. Through this course, providers will be introduced to important topics such as: quality standards for relationships, intentional relationships, diversity and anti-bias perspectives, family partnerships, mixed age curriculum, learning environment indoor, and learning environment outdoor. This course is aligned with the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and the National Association for Family Child Care Quality Standards.
Course Three: Family Child Care: Financial Management and Planning
This third course focuses on managing finances of a family child care with an emphasis on principles and practices for budget planning, budget preparation, and fiscal management. Through this course, providers will be introduced to important topics such as quality standards for financial management and planning, business management, record keeping, business budgets, marketing and financial management tools and systems. This course is aligned with the National Association for Family Child Care Quality Standards.
Course Four: Family Child Care Capstone
This capstone experience reflects the learner’s knowledge of family child care through the development of a major project. The project will demonstrate competency in the specific concepts and skills of family child care including mixed-age curriculum, quality standards, professional development, community resources, health and wellness practices, family partnerships, and financial management.
Prerequisites: Courses 1 through 3 of the Family Child Care Credential course sequence.

Credential Profile
Symbol: Bird
A bird symbolizes love, safety, growth, healing, nurturing, protection, compassion, and self-sacrifice.
Color: Pink
Pink is a positive color symbolizing compassion, nurturing, unconditional love, and understanding. It is a sign of hope.
Number of Family Child Care Credential recipients since 2015.

Infant Toddler Credential
This credential is designed for providers who work with children under the age of three. This includes infant toddler teachers, assistant teachers, program directors and administrators. Students taking this credential will gain understanding of developmental stages for this age group while learning how to best guide and nurture children under the age of three in both center-based and family settings. The themes of cultural diversity/sensitivity and reflective practice are woven throughout the courses.
This was a wonderful experience that helped me understand myself as an infant toddler teacher versus a preschool teacher.
— Credential Recipient
Credential Course Information
The Registry Infant Toddler Credential consists of a four-course series for a total of 12-credits:
Course One: Infant Toddler Development*
This course is an introduction to the development, care, and education of children from birth to three years of age. It includes the principles of care giving, developmentally appropriate practice, diversity issues, curriculum, guidance, observation, and assessment. Both typical and atypical development is examined.
Course Two: Group Care for Infants and Toddlers
This course focuses on caring for infants and toddlers in center based and family child care settings. Materials will cover program quality, philosophy, structure, environments, health and safety, developmentally appropriate practice, and inclusion/diversity issues.
Course Three: Family and Community Relations*
This course focuses on partnerships with parents and collaboration with the community. It covers parent education, involvement, and inclusion as well as public policy, advocacy, community resources, and professionalism. This course includes the Strengthening Families training.
Course Four: Capstone Course - Infant Toddler Credential
This course integrates the theory, practice, and reflection of the first three Infant Toddler Credential courses and requires demonstration of best practices. Some colleges may accept the Infant Toddler Credential Capstone course in place of a Practicum course; however, there is no substitution for Credential Capstone courses.
Prerequisites: Courses 1 through 3 of the Infant Toddler Credential course sequence.
*This course is within the Wisconsin Technical College System Statewide Curriculum for the Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education.

Did you know the completion of the Registry Infant Toddler Credential meets the educational requirements for the Infant Mental Health Endorsement as an Infant Family Associate! Visit the Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health (WIAIMH) website for more information.
Credential Profile
Symbol: Butterfly
The butterfly symbolizes new life and transformation. Like infants and toddlers, the butterfly begins small and changes quickly. Like a butterfly, children transform and grow to be uniquely beautiful.
Color: Yellow
Yellow symbolizes hope, happiness, warmth, excitement, wisdom, optimism, stimulation, enlightenment, creativity, and transformation.
Number of Registry Infant Toddler Credential recipients since 2000.

Preschool Credential
Early care and education professionals wishing to build upon their skills in the preschool setting will find this credential invaluable. Individuals working with preschool children will enhance their existing skills through this credential while networking with other professionals in the field. The Preschool Credential was developed with 6 courses from the Wisconsin Technical College System Statewide Curriculum for the Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education.
I will continue to make connections to build and create positive relationships with children and families. The Preschool Credential has really opened my eyes to a wide spectrum of developmental milestones in children.
— Credential Recipient
Credential Course Information
The Registry Preschool Credential consists of a six-course series for a total of 18-credits:
Course One: Foundations*
This course introduces the early childhood profession through a historical overview of the field. The course will explore program trends, quality indicators, and developmentally appropriate practices for children birth to 8 years of age. Course competencies include: explore the concepts of diversity, equity and inclusion in early childhood profession; investigate the history and current trends of early childhood education; explore regulatory requirements of early childhood education programs in Wisconsin; summarize types of early childhood education settings; identify quality indicators in early childhood education program; summarize responsibilities of early childhood education professionals; explore early childhood curriculum models; and examine the critical role of play as it relates to developmentally appropriate practice.
Course Two: Child Development*
This course examines child development within the context of the early childhood education setting. Course competencies include: integration of strategies that support diversity, cultural responsiveness, and anti-bias perspectives; analyzing social, cultural, and economic influences on child development; summation of child development theories; analyzing development of children ages three through five; analyzing development of children ages five through eight; relating child development research findings to teaching practice; analyzing the role of heredity and the environment; examination of the role of brain development in early learning (ages 3-8); and examination of developmental and environmental assessment strategies for children ages 3-8. This course meets the DCF Infant Toddler requirement.
Course Three: Health, Safety and Nutrition*
This course examines the topics of health, safety, and nutrition within the context of the early childhood educational setting. Course competencies include: integration of strategies that support diversity, cultural responsiveness, and anti-bias perspectives; examination of governmental regulations and professional standards as they apply to health, safety, and nutrition; planning of a safe early childhood environment; planning for a healthy early childhood program; planning of nutritionally sound menus; examination of child abuse and neglect mandates; description of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) risk reduction strategies; description of strategies to prevent the occurrence of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS); incorporation of health, safety, and nutrition concepts into the children's curriculum. This course meets the requirements for Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) training, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) training, and Child Abuse and Neglect training.
Course Four: Guiding Children’s Behavior*
This course examines positive strategies to guide children's behavior in the early childhood education setting. Course competencies include: integration of strategies that support diversity, cultural responsiveness, and anti-bias perspectives; analyzing techniques for and effects of strong relationship-building with children and families; identification of positive and proactive guidance principles and techniques to support children; analyzing environmental influences on child behavior; identification of strategies that support children's active engagement in the learning environment; identification of strategies that proactively teach emotional literacy and regulation techniques; identification of strategies that proactively teach friendship skills; identification of strategies that proactively teach children calming, relaxation, and problem-solving techniques; utilization of observation and assessment techniques to assess and interpret behavior; creation of a behavior support plan based on functional behavior assessment; and creation of a guidance philosophy. This course meets the requirements for the 24-hour Wisconsin Pyramid Model training.
Course Five: Social Studies, Art, and Music*
This course will focus on beginning level curriculum development in the specific integrated content areas of social studies, art, music, and movement (SSAMM). Course competencies include: integration of strategies that support diversity, cultural responsiveness, and anti-bias perspectives; examination of the critical role of play-based learning as it relates to social studies, art, music, and movement; establishment of a developmentally appropriate environment for SSAMM; development of SSAMM learning experience plans that promote child development and learning for children birth to age 8; planning of an interdisciplinary unit of connected learning experiences; and incorporation of all aspects of daily routines with SSAMM.
Course Six: Early Language & Literacy*
This course explores strategies to encourage the development of early language and literacy knowledge and skill building in children birth to 8 years of age. Learners will investigate the components of literacy including literacy and source of enjoyment, vocabulary and oral language, phonological awareness, knowledge of print, letters and words, comprehension and an understanding of books and other texts. Theories and philosophies regarding children's language and literacy development will be addressed. Dual language learning will be examined within the context of developmentally appropriate practices. Assessment tools for early language and literacy acquisition will be reviewed.
*This course is within the Wisconsin Technical College System Statewide Curriculum for the Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education.
The course series for the Registry Preschool Credential was updated in 2023 and will be fully implemented by Fall 2024. For the previous course list, click here.

Credential Profile
Symbol: Puzzles
Puzzles represent the child’s ability to explore their world and put things together in a unique way.
Color: Green
Green symbolizes great intelligence, nature, youth, environment, good luck, vigor, generosity, sincerity, natural abundance, growth, health, balance, harmony, calming and creativity.
Number of Preschool Credential recipients since 2006.