Grant Background
The Wisconsin Registry has received a grant that covers the cost to have your foreign transcripts evaluated when applying for Registry membership or membership renewal. This grant is available until funding is exhausted. Funding for this grant was provided by the Department of Children and Families through the Preschool Development Grant (PDG).
For this grant, the Wisconsin Registry is partnering with One Earth International Credential Evaluations. Please review the information below before you complete the Application Form.
Grant Funding Tracker
*The data presented is current as of July 19, 2024.
Grant Application
Follow the steps below to apply for the grant. This grant covers the cost of having foreign transcripts evaluated for individuals applying for Registry membership or membership renewal. Please direct any questions about the Application Form or submitting required documentation to One Earth Evaluations:
For more information, please click on each step below:
Application Form:
Complete the Application Form on the One Earth Evaluations website.
Important Tips
- Name: If your current name is different than the name on your credentials, please include a copy of your marriage certificate or other legal name change documentation to reconcile the name difference.
- Mailing Address: Be sure to include your complete and correct mailing address, including apartment or unit number, to ensure proper delivery of your completed evaluation report.
- Signature / Date: Sign and date application, certifying that all information you have provided is true and correct and acknowledging that you have read and understand all terms and conditions.
Required Documentation:
Review the Application Instructions and Documentation Requirements by Country and contact One Earth directly with any questions.
While evaluations are typically completed within 5 – 7 business days, some credentials require further research or information. One Earth will notify you in writing of any delays and/or requests for additional documents. One Earth reserves the right to contact your issuing institution, examining board or education authorities to verify credentials at any time.
Completed reports will be sent to the Wisconsin Registry directly and a copy of the report will be made available for viewing on your Registry profile.
About Evaluation Reports :
Evaluation reports are advisory and not binding on any institution that uses them. They are prepared based on the latest research and best information available in the field of comparative education; as systems of education change, so may the interpretation of international academic credentials and their U.S. equivalencies. One Earth is not obligated to revise previously prepared reports as they represent the best information available at the time.