Abusive Head Trauma Training

Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) Prevention Training for Child Care Providers replaced Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Training for Child Care Providers on September 1, 2020. Either SBS or AHT Prevention training taken through August 31, 2020, meets the training requirement.

Beginning September 1, 2024, the AHT Training for Child Care Providers will be available as an E-Learning training in the Wisconsin Registry Insight Learning Management System (LMS). If you need help finding E-Leaning trainings, including the AHT Training for Child Care Providers, visit this guide

On this page, you will find resources on how to locate AHT training in the Statewide Training Calendar and where to find this training verified on your Wisconsin Registry profile upon completion

More information on AHT Trainings can be found on the Department of Children and Families website

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