Training Sponsor Organization (TSO)
A Training Sponsor Organization (TSO) is an organization or program that uses the Registry Professional Development System (PDASystem) to facilitate training to Early Childhood Care and Afterschool Education Professionals in the field.
Training Sponsor Organizations
Programs or organizations that offer community-based training, online or correspondence training, or courses for credit should consider becoming a Training Sponsor Organization (TSO). A TSO can submit training through the Registry Professional Development Approval System (PDASystem).
Examples of Training Sponsor Organizations include:
- Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies
- National Training Organizations
- Professional Associations
- Conference Organizers
- Education programs that provide training to their staff
- Colleges and Universities
What is needed to become a TSO?
- A Registry Account.
- Program Profile.
- Responsibility Agreement for Organizations Form + $25 fee.
- Approved Trainer.
If interested in becoming a TSO contact the Wisconsin Registry PD Team to request to have your program approved as a TSO. You will need to share your Program ID number with this request. The program/organization must also sign an annual Responsibility Agreement for Organizations. A $25 fee is also collected annually. This includes a $25 fee. The agreement outlines required ethical obligations and professional responsibilities that align with both the Wisconsin Registry and professional development best practices.
Approved TSOs must also have a Registry account created and set up a Registry Program Profile for your program or organization. Each approved TSO must ensure at least one individual linked to the TSO is a Registry approved Trainer with a current membership status.
Training events are entered into the PDAS system and can be listed on the Statewide Training Calendar. Here individuals can locate training that has been reviewed to meet the Department of Children and Family (DCF) requirements for yearly continuing education hours.
Embedded in the Trainer and Technical Assistance Professional (T-TAP) Toolkit is information on the Registry PDASystem and guides on how to create a TSO Program Profile and for an individual apply to become a Registry approved Trainer. After reviewing the Toolkit, contact the Registry Professional Development Department if you have additional questions at 608-222-1123 or email
Featured Resources
Don't have a Registry account?
How do I create a Program Profile?
Training Sponsor Organization Renewal
Get step-by-step guidance on how to renew your TSO agreement.
Visit our Resource Center
Learn how to offer the revised Child Care Foundational Trainings
CCFT Information
All Organizations interested in offering the revised CCFTs first need to have an active Program Profile in the Wisconsin Registry system. See the How Do I Create a Program Profile guide for step-by-step instructions on this process. Additional requirements for TSOs include:
- Signing an annual TSO agreement
- Paying the annual fee
- Signing the CCFT TSO Agreement
- Having at least one Trainer approved to offer the CCFTs listed as an employee in your Program Profile
Listing your Conference on the Registry Statewide Training Calendar
A TSO is able to list a conference on the Statewide Training Calendar. Individuals can register for your conference from the calendar.
To get started, email the Wisconsin Registry and provide the following details about your conference:
- Date
- Location
- Name of the Training Sponsor Organization and Registry Organization ID number
- Contact name and email address
Registry staff will set up your conference in the PDASystem based on the information you have provided. Additional directions on how to submit conference sessions will be sent to you.