Resource Center
Becoming a Trainer / Technical Assistance Professional
Read and review the following resources before you apply for a Trainer / TA Professional:
Updated: May 2024
Trainer / TA Professional Toolkit
Updated: February 2023
Trainer / TA Professionals Requirements Chart
Updated: July 2023
Trainer / TA Professional Course Descriptions
Learn more about the T-TAP Course Series to meet the Adult Education Requirement.
Updated: February 2023
Criminal Background Records Check Policy
Updated: February 2023
How to Obtain a Criminal Background Record Check
Updated: November 2022
Wisconsin Registry Barred Offenses - Trainers and Technical Assistance Professionals
A list of barred crimes used by the Wisconsin Registry to determine eligibility for approved Trainers and TA Professionals.
Updated: February 2023
Training & TA Professional Agreement
Updated: February 2023
How to Become a Trainer
Get step-by-step guidance on how you can apply for a Trainer Endorsement.
Updated: February 2023
How to Become a TA Professional
Get step-by-step guidance on how you can apply for a Technical Assistance (TA) Professional Endorsement.
Updated: July 2021
Training & Technical Assistance Professional (T-TAP) Course Series Instructor Approval Process
Updated: October 2023
Instructor Resource Center
Updated: October 2024
Trainer Mentor Application and Commitment Form
Please fill out this form if you have interest in becoming a Mentor to new Trainers.
Training Entry Resources
Updated: July 2020
Training Entry Part 1: Course Approval
Updated: September 2024
Training Entry Part 2: How to Submit an Event
Updated: October 2020
Tips and Tricks for Training Entry
Updated: February 2020
Registry App Instructions
Updated: N/A
Outline of Training Content, Training Methods and Training Timeline
Updated: September 2024
Diversity & Inclusion Course Submission Requirement Guide
Updated: September 2024
Training Considerations for
Diversity & Inclusion
A worksheet aimed to help Trainers and TSOs in writing the Diversity & Inclusion Statement for training submission in the Wisconsin Registry PDASystem.
Updated: May 2020
Wisconsin Pyramid Model Trainer – Registry System Guide
Updated: April 2023
Statewide Training Initiative Event Entry for Approved Trainers
The following guide is for Trainers to enter events for Statewide Training Initiative Courses, such as Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards, Pyramid Model, and T-TAP courses into the Wisconsin Registry system.
Updated: April 2023
Training Attendance Verification
Updated: March 2022
How to Duplicate an Approved Event
Step-by-step guidance on how to duplicate an approved events.
Updated: March 2022
How to Set up a Conference
Step-by-step guidance on how to submit conference sessions.
Updated: July 2022
Training Considerations for Diversity & Inclusion
Guidance for Trainers and TSOs in writing the Diversity and Inclusion Statement for course submission.
Updated: September 2024
Designing a Training
A tool intended to support Trainers and TSOs in planning a training
Updated: June 2023
Designing a TA Event
This document is a tool intended to support TA Professionals in submitting their technical assistance sessions/visits with attendees/programs/providers.
Updated: July 2022
TA Professional Event Entry
Step-by-step guidance on how to submit Technical Assistance (TA) Events through the Registry Professional Development Approval System (PDASystem).
Updated: May 2023
TA Event Attendance Verification
Step-by-step guidance on how to enter an attendance roster for a TA Event.
Updated: January 2022
How to Renew an Expired Course
Step-by-step guidance on how to renew a course.
Registry Communications
Sent: October 2024
Training Solutions
We recap the 2024 PDAS Summit, provide information on the Event Diversity & Inclusion Statements, and share a few reminders in Training Solutions!
Sent: July 2024
Training Solutions
Get to know the Professional Development staff, including our newest hire in the latest Training Solutions! Also included is important CCFT information and some helpful reminders!
Sent: May 2024
Training Solutions
Exciting updates to training events in the Registry PDASystem and information on the CCFT Train-the-Trainer events highlight the May 2024 edition of Training Solutions!
Sent: March 2024
Training Solutions
Coming soon: Access to the Wisconsin Registry in Spanish! Also included in this Training Solutions: best practices when searching for specific training, tips for Trainer and TA Professional renewals, an update on the Wisconsin Registry app, and save the date for the 2024 PDAS Summit!
Sent: January 2024
Training Solutions
Reminders about the upcoming changes to CCFT Courses, as well as the changes in the approval process for Trainers and TSOs interested in offering those courses.
Sent: December 2023
Training Solutions
Meet our newest PD Team member, check out a new feature, and learn how free membership will impact Trainers in our latest edition of Training Solutions!